Solaxx Saltron Retro Above Ground Installation Video
The Solaxx Saltron Retro Saltwater Chlorine Generator retrofits on above ground and inground pools that hold up to 20,000 gallons of water.
The Solaxx Saltron Retro easily installs onto new or existing above ground pools as there is no plumbing required. Learn how to complete the simple process by watching our installation video below.
Saltwater Series Chemical Maintenance Kit with Test Kits
The Saltwater Series Pool Opening & Maintenance Kit includes everything necessary to maintain sparkling clear salt water except the salt! Two test kits are included, a salt test kit and 4-way test strips to help maintain proper water chemistry balance. The kit also includes Saltwater Shock, Saltwater Stabilizer, as well as Saltwater pH and Saltwater Alkaline increaser and decreasers.