Eco-Friendly Swimming Pool - Tips & Tricks
By following our eco-friendly swimming pool tips, you can reduce the amount of energy you use and help lessen the impact on our environment.

“Going green” is usually something pool owners try to avoid at all cost, except when we’re talking about being eco-friendly. By following our eco-friendly swimming pool tips, you can reduce the amount of energy you use, save yourself some money and help lessen the impact on our environment.
Steps to an Eco-Friendly Swimming Pool
Cover Your Above Ground Pool
During hot summer days when the sun is shining on your pool, water is lost from the surface through evaporation. This means you have to use more water to fill your pool back up to its normal level and we all know using more water is not very eco-friendly.
Adding more water means you have to use more chemicals to balance the pool’s chemistry. If you are trying to lessen your carbon footprint on the environment, you should be trying to use as little chemicals as possible.
Solar covers are a great way to reduce the amount of evaporation in your swimming pool! And they are also fairly inexpensive! Solar covers lie flat on the surface of the water and use the sun’s rays to heat the pool and also help retain the heat at night. If you are using a heater to heat your pool, this will lower the time you need to run the heater, saving you money and energy. As an added bonus, solar covers help keep the pool free of debris. This means less work for your filter and less electricity being consumed which in return helps you to have an eco-friendly swimming pool.

Solar Pool Covers
Solar Blankets are made from a durable polymer material with thousands of tiny sealed air bubbles, designed to capture and transmit solar heat into your pool. Solar Blankets also act as a barrier to prevent leaves and debris from entering the pool, thereby reducing the time you need to spend on maintenance.
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Add a Pool Timer to Your Swimming Pool Pump
The purpose of a pool pump is to circulate the pool water and push it through your filtration system. This keeps the pool free of debris and the circulation of the water keeps algae from growing. Pool timers are ideal for an eco-friendly swimming pool because they will turn the pump on and off at specific times instead of running all day, this saves energy. Pool timers connected to your pool pump can also be used to run a pump on a schedule while you are on vacation.
The pool timer can be set to run once a day to prevent algae from becoming a problem. In most locations there are rate differentials for energy use during off peak hours (please contact your local utilities company to see if they have this type of schedule). In other words, it will cost less to run your filter during these times. Set your timer to run the pump at off peak hours to save yourself some money.
Monitor Your Pool Chemical Levels Often
The correct pool chemical balance is needed to prevent algae from growing and to reduce bacteria levels in your swimming pool. By checking the chemical levels in your pool more often, you are less likely to run into big problems, eliminating the need to shock the pool with strong doses of chlorine. Pool chemicals can be harsh on the environment so if you can manage to use less of them you are doing your part to maintain an eco-friendly swimming pool.
Pool Check 3-in-1 Chlorine Test Kit
Is a three way test kit tests for chlorine, pH and alkalinity levels. Proper levels keep your pool sparkling clear. One bottle contains 50 Strips. Learn more...