How to Maintain Your Saltwater Pool
Saltwater above ground pools are known for their easy maintenance, requiring less upkeep than chlorine pools. Learn how to maintain your saltwater pool below.
Although having a saltwater above ground pool requires less maintenance than a chlorine pool, there are still some basic guidelines to follow. The job of your saltwater generator is to convert the salt in the water into chlorine, saving you the hassle of having to regularly chlorinate your water. However, there are a few other chemicals that need to be balanced in your pool water. We recommend purchasing a Saltwater Series Pool Chemical Kit to ensure that you will have all the chemicals that you need to get yourself up and running. Inside your Saltwater Series Chemical Opening Kit you will find:
- Saltwater pH increaser
- Saltwater pH decreaser
- Saltwater alkalinity increaser
- Saltwater alkalinity decreaser
- Saltwater oxidizing shock
- Saltwater stabilizer
- 4 way test strips (50 strips)
- Salt test strips (16 strips)
pH Balancing
To control the acidity of your pool water, use the pH increaser or decreaser to adjust your pH to the proper level. To determine your current pH level, use the Pool Check 4 in 1 Chlorine Test strips included in the kit. An optimum pH level helps the chlorine in your pool work more effectively – pH should normally be between the range of 7.2 and 7.6. If the pH level is too high, bring it down with the pH decreaser. If the pH level is too low, bring it up with the pH increaser. How much you add is determined by how many gallons of water your pool holds as well as the current level of pH. Follow the instructions on the bottle to get the level where you need it to be. Always have your filter system running when adding chemicals to the pool.
Alkalinity Balancing
Similar to pH, alkalinity needs to be adjusted to its proper level. Alkalinity helps keep your pH balanced. Your alkalinity level should be between 80-120 ppm. To determine your current alkalinity level, use the Pool Check 4 in 1 Chlorine Test strips included in the kit. If the alkalinity level is too high, bring it down with the alkalinity decreaser. If the alkalinity level is too low, bring it up with the alkalinity increaser. How much you add is determined by how many gallons of water your pool holds as well as the current level of alkalinity. Follow the instructions on the bottle to get the level where you need it to be.
Oxidizing Shock
Oxidizing shock is a non-chlorine shock that replaces super chlorination. Use this product for the initial treatment of the swimming pool water (opening), when you are closing the pool for the winter and also for weekly care and after heavy use. Broadcast the required amount uniformly over the surface of the pool water.
Saltwater Stabilizer
Stabilizer helps protect chlorine in pool water from dissipation caused by sunlight. You should use stabilizer if intense sunlight causes difficulty in maintaining chlorine residual. To determine your current stabilizer level (cyanuric acid), use the Pool Check 4 in 1 Chlorine Test strips included in the kit. The ideal range for a salt water pool is 60-80 ppm. With your circulation system on, add this product slowly to the pool water. Follow the chart on the bottle to determine how much stabilizer you should use. Check the stabilizer level weekly and add this product as needed.
Salt Test Strips and 4 Way Test Strips
In order for your saltwater generator to work properly, you need to have the right amount of salt in your above ground pool’s water. To determine your pool’s salt level, use the Salt test strips included in the kit. Simply dip one of the strips into the pool water and then match up the colors on the side of the bottle. The ideal range for salt content in your pool will be 3000-4000 ppm. If the salt level is not in that range, you need to adjust it. To increase the salt levels simply add more salt to your pool water. The only way to lower your pool’s salt content is to drain out some of the water in your pool and refill it with fresh water.
The Pool Check 4 in 1 Chlorine Test strips are used to determine your pool water’s chlorine, pH, alkalinity, and stabilizer levels. All you need to do is dip one strip into the pool’s water and match the colors to the chart on the bottle.
Saltwater Series Chemical Maintenance Kit with Test Kits
The Saltwater Series Pool Opening & Maintenance Kit includes everything necessary to maintain sparkling clear salt water except the salt! Two test kits are included, a salt test kit and 4-way test strips to help maintain proper water chemistry balance. The kit also includes Saltwater Shock, Saltwater Stabilizer, as well as Saltwater pH and Saltwater Alkaline increaser and decreasers.