Saltwater Series Chemical Opening Kit - Product Review
View the pro's and con's of the Saltwater Series Pool Opening & Maintenance Kit in this product review.

Product Features
The Saltwater Series Chemical Opening Kit with Test Kits was designed specifically for Saltwater Pool owners and supplies all the necessary chemicals for proper start-up and maintenance throughout the season. It also includes test kits to measure the pH, Alkalinity, Chlorine, Cyanuric Acid and Salt levels.
The Saltwater Series Kit comes with all of the chemicals needed to open a Saltwater Pool up to 25,000 gallons. Two included chemicals that make this kit especially important for a Saltwater Pool are the Oxidizing (non-chlorine) Shock and the Saltwater Stabilizer. These are important to use in conjunction with a salt chlorine generator for maximum efficiency. Also included are the standard pH and alkalinity increasers that are very important. Two styles of test strips allow you to confirm that all levels are proper and balanced.
- 2lbs. Saltwater pH Increaser
- 3lbs. Saltwater pH Decreaser
- 5lbs. Saltwater Alkalinity Increaser
- 3lbs. Saltwater Alkalinity Decreaser
- 2lbs. Saltwater Oxidizing Shock
- 7lbs. Saltwater Stabilizer
- 4 Way Test Strips (50 Strips)
- Salt Test Strips (16 Strips)

- Wide variety of chemicals
- Enough testing strips to last the whole season
- Designed for Saltwater and Non-Chlorine Pools
- Great overall value including 7lbs of Stabilizer
Manufacturer Guarantee
Not Applicable
If you are a Saltwater Pool owner and are looking for an all in one opening kit, the Saltwater Series Kit is exactly what you need and is a great value
Saltwater Series Chemical Maintenance Kit with Test Kits
The Saltwater Series Pool Opening & Maintenance Kit includes everything necessary to maintain sparkling clear salt water except the salt! Two test kits are included, a salt test kit and 4-way test strips to help maintain proper water chemistry balance. The kit also includes Saltwater Shock, Saltwater Stabilizer, as well as Saltwater pH and Saltwater Alkaline increaser and decreasers.