The Difference Between Pool Clarifier and Flocculant
Cloudy or dull pool water is caused by improper chemical balance or fine debris in the pool water. There are many...

Cloudy or dull pool water is caused by improper chemical balance or fine debris in the pool water. There are many reasons for cloudy water: ph or alkalinity too low or too high, algae growth, heavy rains, lack of sunlight, too little filtration time.
Pool Clarifier
A swimming pool clarifier is used to clear up cloudy water in swimming pools. Clarifiers are used to coagulate (thicken) tiny particles and oils that form in your pool water. Make sure to check water levels and adjust if necessary. Once the levels are adjusted and clarifier has been added, run your filter system for at least 24 hours. When using swimming pool clarifier always follow the directions according to the packaging. Adding too much clarifier, can often make your pool cloudier.
Super Clarifier 1qt.
Aquamate Super Clarifier works by grouping together microscopic particles & oils to help your filter remove them from the pool water. Learn more...
Flocculants are used to sink all the tiny particles to the bottom of your pool. Make sure to check water levels and adjust if necessary. Once the levels are adjusted and the flocculant has been added, turn the filter off and leave it for about 8-12 hours (varies by label on packaging). Do not disturb the pool water during this time. Slowly vacuum your swimming pool to waste using a manual vacuum. If your pool gets cloudy while vacuuming take a break and allow the particles to settle once again. Once the pool is clear, backwash and rinse filter thoroughly. Flocculants usually work best on Sand or D.E Filters (Diatomaceous Earth).
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use Flocculant in a saltwater pool?
Yes, flocculant will work on any water system.
Can I use a clarifier in a saltwater pool?
Yes, clarifier will work on any water system.
What kind of filter systems can I use with clarifier?
Clarifier work with Cartridge, D.E. (Diatomaceous Earth) and Sand Filter Systems.
What kind of filter systems can I use with flocculant?
Flocculant usually work with D.E. (Diatomaceous Earth) or Sand Filters.
Do you use Clarifier in conjunction with Flocculant?
Flocculant can be used after clarifier. However, using too much of any product can work against the clarifying process.